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Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up

Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up

With Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up you can raise your level very quickly, besides that it also can increase the gold and also increase some skills.
Little review of the game Diamond Dash
Diamond Dash will present a game like social games, which you can find on facebook. The aim will be to remove the colored blocks that you will be joining them in front of groups of three or more blocks by simply clicking on them. Like most of the games that are important in social networks, Diamond Dash will limit a lot of the different sessions of the game, in fact, each lasting about sixty seconds, after which you will pass to the next round, or youll end up playing.

Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up Tools :
  • Charles Proxy
  • Your Browser
Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up Steps :
  1. Go in Facebook Dimond Dash and load the game
  2. Start Charles Proxy
  3. Click Play on Diamond Dash and record any Score
  4. Go to Charles Proxy and Click + on http://dd.wooga.com and http://dd.t.wooga.com
  5. Click + on eor/
  6. Click Ctrl and select ?timestamp=1328309123484&signature=W0BWPdCGqqA5oka n54yBNZE18qva1RAoqlu-92u0tg8%3D&session=1100447b5bb0d01c24a974bc63318c1 2&api_version=2
  7. and ?finalScore=54860&xp=110&cw=2011%2D06%2D15&gold=19 &level=48&plasmaburst=0&s=100000712307700&timeboos t=1&firemode=0&bombboost=1&colorboost=0&scoreFrmSp eedmode=12200&accuracy=91&ts=1328309123500&iceBloc ksPrdcd=5&coins=100&crshdGems=209&fireball=1 (1×1)
  8. Now right click and click on Repeat Advanced…
  9. Now will appear Advanced Repeat msgbox
  10. Write on first place 4000 and 2nd place 40 and click ok
  11. After 3~5 minutes, refrish Diamond Dash page and Diamond Dash Hack get your exp on lvl up


Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack

Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack

Wild Ones is one of the most facebook game players. Lots of hack or cheat for this game and one of them is Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack that I made. The function of this Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack is to get free Weapons, Accessories, Snacks or Pets.
Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack is a best way of getting infinite weapons and items in Wild Ones online game. For tools, along with a video tutorial steps you can see below :

Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack Tools :

Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack Steps :
  1. Open Facebook
  2. Log in Wild Ones game
  3. Start TamperData
  4. Go in Send Gift tab
  5. Select one friend and click first Send Request
  6. Go in TamperData window and click Start Tamper
  7. Now Click Send Request button
  8. TamperData show up a new popup
  9. If in popup text is present apps.facebook.com/fbml/ajax/dialog/apprequest remove continue tampering and click Tamper button
  10. Copy __user value and paste in “to” value [%22XXXXXXXXXX%22]
  11. Now in data value, replace all mystery with one of items listed below the videotutorial (example in videotutorial is back_cherubwings)
  12. Click ok and confirm
  13. Now go in messages tab and get your items

8 Ball Pool Hack Line-Update March 2013

8 Ball Pool Hack Line-Update March 2013

8 Ball Pool. Play billiards eight ball 8 ball pool, with other players online. You have to put all the balls and finally the ball number 8. There are several levels of players, as you gain experience your level will increase.

8 Ball Pool Hack Line is functioning to make a line in the billiard table so his ball always entered. 8 Ball Pool Hack Line requires a software cheat engine.

8 Ball Pool Hack Line Tools :
  • Cheat Engine :


  • Your browser (firefox or google chrome)
8 Ball Pool Hack Line Steps :
  1. Open Cheat Engine
  2. Open Facebook and go to 8 Ball Pool
  3. Open Process (Mozilla=plugin-container.exe | Google Chrome=chrome.exe) or perhaps FlashPlayer.
  4. Change 4 Byte to Array of Byte
  5. Scan and replace code below :
    • GuideLineLength
      24 0A 2A D2 A2 A0 A2 A0 24 0A A1
      24 0a 2a d2 a2 a0 a2 a0 24 0a a2
    • GuideLineSize
      00 00 60 d3 44 24 02 60
      00 00 60 d3 44 24 10 60
N0TE : Scan & Replace the code in the Game Lobby.

Description: 8 Ball Pool Hack Line-Update March 2013 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Deny Roger - ItemReviewed: 8 Ball Pool Hack Line-Update March 2013

Social Wars Hack Cash and Coins

Social Wars Hack Cash and Coins

Social Wars Hack Cash-Coins. Work best on Google Chrome
Tools :
  1. Cheat Engine
  2. Google Chrome

Steps :
  1. Open Cheat Engine and Social Wars
  2. In CE change 4 byte to Arry of Bytes
  3. Scan this code 67 6F 6C 64
  4. Select all
  5. Change to 63 61 73 68

Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack Update March 2013

Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack Update March 2013

Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack. If you want your ninja character level up quickly or just leveling your pet...use this Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack. You simply enter mission grade A or B level 20-78 and then click on the mission you'll complete the mission instantly. This hack using fiddler.
Tools :

How this hack work:
  1. Download and Instal Fiddler
  2. Download Swf File
  3. Login to app Ninja Saga (but do not go in to the mission grade A or B level 20-78 first)
  4. Open Fiddler 2 >> Select AutoResponder tab (icon lightning)
    • Enable Automatic Responses
    • Unmatched request passthrought
  5. Drag swf file to Auto responder table.
  6. Clear Chache
  7. Go to mission grade A or B level 20-78 and execute the mission that you like, then the mission will be instantly completed.
  8. Happy Cheating !
Description: Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack Update March 2013 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Deny Roger - ItemReviewed: Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack Update March 2013

Dragon Nest Cheat G-Cash Hack

Dragon Nest Cheat G-Cash Hack

Dragon Nest Cheat G-Cash Hack, Cheat ini mampu Megenerate kode G-Cash dan di gunakan pada ID DN kamu, program ini 100% aman karena tidak meminta sub password atau password 2nd anda, jadi tidak akan ada tindakan hacking sama sekali :)

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan jika anda menggunakan Cheat Dragon Nest G-Cash Hack :

  1. Program ini hanya berlaku 1 hari setelah di inject pada DN kamu
  2. ID yang sudah mendapatkan Kode G-Cash Dari Program ini Tidak bisa menggunakan nya untuk ke 2kali.
  3. Kode akan Expired Setelah 5 Menit tidak di input ke ID kamu
  4. Kode ini random, jadi isi G-Cash Bermacam-macam
Download G-Cash Free hack Voucher Dragon Nest New Release Maret 2013


Untuk cara kerja Cheat Dragon Nest G-Cash Hack :
  • Buka file Generate G-Cash - Free Hack Voucher Tool.exe
  • Masukan ID dragonest anda untuk menverifikasi, (ingat disini program tidak memintan sub password/password 2nd)

  • Jika Login Sukses Kode G-Cash akan muncul, Copas kode tersebut.

  • Silahkan Cek Id DN kamu..
Description: Dragon Nest Cheat G-Cash Hack Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Deny Roger - ItemReviewed: Dragon Nest Cheat G-Cash Hack

Social Wars Cheats BushWacker Unit Hack

Social Wars Cheats BushWacker Unit Hack

Social Wars : Build your city and train your soldiers to face the threat of the outer space invaders! Be the leader of the human race at this crucial moment. Social Wars is a game facebook that has 5 million monthly active users and more than 680 thousand people like the page Social Wars app.

Social Wars Hack BushWacker with this cheat you can get the Bushwacker unit for free. Complete your collection with Bushwacker forces unit. If you wont Social Wars Hack Cash and Coin a look here Social Wars Cheats Cash and Coins Hack.

Social Wars Cheat BushWacker Unit Hack Tools :

Social Wars Cheats BushWacker Unit Hack Steps :
  1. Start Cheatengine and Social Wars page
  2. Adjust 4 Byte to Array of Byte
  3. Purchase Academy 1 and store it (if you have one simply store it)
  4. Scan this: 31 30 30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  5. Change to :31 30 30 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (do not delete)
  6. Then purchase a flower costs 30 wood!
  7. Right after that immediately visit your neighbor (To prevent crash be fast in this process)
  8. Change to : 31 33 35 38 22 ( Bushwacker)
  9. Then return to town
Social Wars is instantly charming with its quick pace and stable flow of interesting missions. However, technical issues hold the online game back from its true possibilities. A.I. pathing is in dire require of repair, and collecting units continues to be dumbed down a bit excessive. You are able to either choose just a single unit or all units with a double click of the mouse, with no alternatives.

Description: Social Wars Cheats BushWacker Unit Hack Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Deny Roger - ItemReviewed: Social Wars Cheats BushWacker Unit Hack
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